Click! - Can make it or break it

We’ve all been on the receiving end and the sending end. Once sent cannot be taken back, one click of a button might lose quite a lot for us. Emails have become a part of our routine, but why are customers not paying attention to our promotional mails in their inbox. Is it not impactful enough to grab their attention for a few seconds?

It is a tiring job to create an effective email marketing strategy. But, if done properly it could do wonders. Here are some tips to help you turn your business around with that one click:

1. The Perfect email marketing provider can change the perspective about your company. It takes money and efforts to find the perfect one but, when you do it will be worth it. For saving some time on your end AWeber, Constant Contact and MailChimp are some providers you can always approach.

2. Clear Unnecessary expired contacts off your database. Some tools that might help you with this process are Jigsaw, D&B and StrikeIron. These tools will crosscheck every bit of information and update you on the available options.

3. Keep Opt-In options for customers on your website and other relevant interaction sources. Let customers choose, it will be easier to get acceptance from the email provider.

4. Plan your Move! Your email is 1 out of the 1200 emails sitting in his inbox. You need to make sure you attract him. Relevant content, creative yet simple design layout, eye-catching but, less images and more interest areas for the customer will make it to the top surely.

        5. Don’t just leave! The customer will have a few seconds to spare for you. So, don’t leave the follow up options on him. Offer some sort of call of action- either a time to speak further, or a link to some information.

        6. Shareable Contents! Embedded Icons and links will give customer the provision to share  amongst social walls.

7. Last and the most Important! Keep analyzing your data. A lot can be learnt from analytics. How many sent? How many opened? How many shares? How many responses? All these questions will help you build through your marketing strategy.

8. Email marketing software: With this tool you can easily upload a list of data and send it. The tool helps you to grow your list but not spam it .

Email marketing is considered to be primitive but, can still be one of the most effective marketing strategies if played with properly. Keep monitoring customer reactions and you shall max it!

Source : LinkedIn